Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Fun et al (2010)

In continual fashion of my current doctrine of 'fun', I feel its time for a bit of it. With recent circumstances et al (2009; 2010) I have thought about what makes me happy. More specifically the little things I do that, may seem random, but make me feel that little bit happier in life. Here are a few off the top of my head that you may relate to and ill try give you a few random samples of my own

- To turn music up full blast and sing along...
Music is a big part of my life. I rarely go through a day without spending hours listening to music, typically a small playlist of repeat. I don't know why, but I enjoy listening to the same song again and again, if its good, why not. I get a massive release from music, music should always reflect your mood or influence it for the better.

- To make a day dedicated to something you enjoy...
My favorite day of the year is the 5th November. Guy Fawkes night. I believe that everyone should have the right to a day of small self-indulgence. My day has little to no relevance to the gunpowder plot in 1605, just that I have a series of good memories on that day, and one of my favorite movies V for Vendetta is also based on the 5th November story. For me its just a positively associated day,of which im sure I will write about in due course. Thus I have officially made it my day for enjoyment. I have started a tradition whereby I write a list of 9 things to complete leading up to the day, and on that day I complete them all. Its surprisingly really good fun.

- To bake something...
Last christmas my little cousin and I made a GIANT barn totally made of gingerbread (see facebook pics for details). A genius idea was given to me by a uni friend of mine of making what she called 'chocolate junkyard', calorific death on a plate, but so so good! Moreover, not to stereotype, but I feel that baking is somewhat out of my gender domain, and thus its nice to feel you have conquered something that shouldn't of done.

- To so something you shouldn't do...
Nothing makes you feel a little happier than a kick of adrenaline when you trespass on private property, or run naked down the street. Norwich in particular springs to mind (why is it always Norwich?) lol

- To do something spontaneous...
Two memories come to mind on this point. The first is meeting a beautiful girl I had been 'seeing' in Banbury. Neither one of us had been there, nor knew what was there. Random, random day. I loved it. The second was my joint 21st birthday in magaluf. I turned up to the airport blissfully unaware of where my friends where taking me, I got as far as the airport gate before three chavs walking past me wearing 'shagaluf' t-shirts. Yes that's right, I found out where I was going on my 21st due to the writing on the back of three chavs polo stash in the airport lounge. Awesome holiday (thanks guys)

- To sprint as hard and as fast as I can and then lie down on grass...
I did this once in Cambridge on castle hill, on a hot summers day and I have never felt more alive than that moment when you can feel the blood rushing around you body and your heart is like a drum, amazing.

- To sit in a bath first and then run the bath...
I used to do this as a kid all the time. I admit this is a little bit of regression, and rather childishly I enjoy splashing around 'as the tide rises' in a bath. Plus this wway you also get to regulate the temperature of the water better. Practical value and just fun!

- To sit in a bath sideways in a bath...
I recommend this, its really silly, but actually makes you feel good, because its so stupid. I also love that feeling when your in a hot bath and its cold outside, the bath feels just that little more awesome, TRY IT!

- To organise something, like a photo album or CD collection...
Occasionally I bring out the little OCD in me and organize something. Recently I organized a photo album of all photos of the barn and gave it to my mother as a Christmas present. I also got giving a photo album to put lots of university pictures I have accumulated over the years. You feel really good after it.

- Do a challenge...
To me life should be about challenges, no matter how small or big. Do it, why not? I once sat in a bar with a good friend of mine and discussed the possibility of cycling through France, a week later I had brought the maps and prepared my bicycle. People should always follow there ideas, I just wish I had more of them.

- To write (or receive) a letter...
Nothing beats the feeling of getting mail. My little cousin and I write to each other, she is my new pen-pal and she keeps my posted on all the important 'happenings' in Cambridge such as her Auntie buying her a hockey stick and the next day being whacked with it by an annoying classmate, and the latest gossip on the new names of her endless supply of rabbits.

- To copy a food idea...
None of like to believe that we are easily influenced, but I certainly admit that when it comes to food, I am. I oddly enjoy seeing someone else eat or drink something and then the next day purchasing that item for myself ah ha ha! This also how the wonderful world of sushi came into my life, I love it.

People should firstly have more fun, and secondly think about what makes them happy. People far too often think about what makes them sad, rather than what makes them happy. What makes you happy?


1 comment:

  1. I really like this whole list my man and I'm pretty in synch with you when it comes to them. I'm kind of your anthithesis though as I come up with a tonne of amazing ideas but never actually go through with them, whereas you go through with almost all of yours but don't have enough. Perhaps you can use me as a random ideas machine.

    I've decided we're going to write letters to each other. Address me up at some point and we'll get it done.
