Sunday, 21 March 2010

Inspire me, I dare you...

"You have gotta sell life man, anything you do in life you fucking sell it"

What is it that you stand for in life? What is it that you sell? Damn, these are good questions to reflect on...I love it how people typically with single lines simply inspire me. They inspire me to write, to write anything and everything I feel and think. Its why I started writing many years ago, I have journals full of similar stuff and all of it is inspired by people. People are simply...inspirational. They are inspirational in every way, shape and form (a statement I shall challenge later on in this blog). I see and hear people do and say the most incredible things and often with a profound influence on me, and I bet if you thought about it the same is true for all of us. You would be naive to disagree that those around you play a significant part on influencing you and your behaviour, your actions and rather intriguingly, your thoughts. In may 2008 I did something I thought was incredible. I ran my sorry arse 26.3 miles across the scottish landscape of edinburgh in 4hrs:11mins and spent the following two days either in bed or in a cold bath, and struggled to walk (downstairs was the killer). I have just watched one of the highlights of the 'seemingly never ending' saga that has been sport relief. The particular episode I watched was the incredible feet of the 48 year old, stand-up comedian Eddie Izzard who ran 43 marathons in 51 days! just...purely mind boggling. I mean for those who have never done a marathon, not only is it the most amazing and life changing thing, but it also hurts. No bloody hurts. But the achievement far outweighs the pain. Thus for me to truly comprehend Eddie's accomplishment, by that rational, his feeling of accomplishment must be what... x43 greater than mine! The fella ran 1100 miles for god sake! just remarkable. Truly nothing short of inspirational, regardless of who it is. Truly, truly incomprehensible... incomprehensible.

On a lighter note I do find it slightly humorous, yet take no comfort in the fact, that I have been overwhelmingly top trumped by a slightly overweight cross-dresser... grr.

The same is for so SO many people in my life. Almost everyone inspires me in some way. Its what I love about people, something about them either amazes, impresses or I feel admiration for something about their character, about their life. I know some truly remarkable people, I know people who will create and design the greatest of buildings and those who will build them for you. My mother went two failed relationships and raised two children on her own, I know people who came capture whatever he thinks, I know people who can create clothing that will simply blow you away, I know people who can create programmes and speak and write languages I will never understand.I know people who numbers better than I can count, I know people who know more about my physiologically than I do. I know people who try to understand everything around them. I know those who try to change the 'way things work' and can argue a case I couldn't even articulate and so on. This list is infinite... and when you think about it. Its amazing. Furthermore, all that was just on a professional level. On a personal level I know people who have been through stuff I cannot imagine, with history I dream of and have nightmares over. People go through the most incredible stories and live to tell the tale, and I feel privileged they share it with me. People fall in and out of love all around me, they cry, they smile, they scream, they laugh...and all of it amazes me. The people around you can and will do and have been through inspirational things, so next time your in a cafe or the pub, at work or on facebook, spare a thought for those around you who are nothing short of amazing. Nothing short of incredible, inspirational and unquestionably life changing to you. Because its an amazing thought to think that those around you can and will change your life. It is also an amazing thought to think that people in the future are waiting to change it, and (see previous blog)... they are getting there as fast as they can.


1 comment:

  1. I think we coincidentally wrote about the same thing (sort of, you went further with it, I just writer's blocked my ass off).

    Am I the dude who can capture anything he thinks? If not, lie to me.

    Mr. Millward did the London marathon in like 2 hours 15 mins man. Can you believe that? I had no clue.

    Another good one as always, you will supersede me one day, but hopefully I've got some days left in me.
